Monday 1 March 2010

Any one for Tennis

The Tenbury Tennis Club made representation to the Town Council tonight asking them to reconsider the increase in the annual charge to the club.

As all the discussions regarding this increase have been held in private session, I do not know what prompted the Town Council to ask for an increase of 35%. I can only guess that they had finally done the maths and spotted that they were subsidising the club by a massive amount.

From the figures released by the Tennis club tonight, it would appear that annual membership is in the region of £50 a year and will need to rise to £60 a year to cover the increased rent.

I don't know much about Tennis Clubs but an increase from £1 a week to £1.15 doesn't seem outrageous to me. This still means that the Town Council are subsidising the facility to the tune of several thousand pounds a year.

Once again the Council reverted to private session, so I don't know if they backed down on the increase or held firm.


M6GLZ said...

I wonder if the council still subsidises the bowling green as much as it used to. Would be interesting to find out as some of the councillors are bowlers.

@WR15 said...

It is still almost impossible to calculate how much subsidy is provided to the Tennis and Bowling club because the Town Council refused to reform the way they present their accounts, but it is likely to be in the thousands of pounds per year. The Town Council are clamping down on allowing other local groups use of Council run facilities for free, but there seems to be no such restraint on spending in the Pavilion area!

Anonymous said...

if the council spent as munch money on the town as they do on the bowling green and tennis club we might be getting some where.