Monday 17 January 2011

Tenbury Town Council Inflation Busting Increase

Tenbury Town Council voted tonight to increase their precept by 5.5% an increase of £5312 on last year.

Although some items of expenditure have been cut or budgets reduced, the loss of income from the Regal & associated shops and community centre during renovation has meant an above average increase to the precept.

Hopefully once the restoration is fully completed and the building is fully functional and utilised, the Town will see the benefits and the precept will be greatly reduced.


Ian said...

Pretty outrageous really – and an obvious consequence of the Council’s rather opaque accounting methods. The actual sum of money is small but the principle remains the same – that public authorities should not be increasing taxation in this way. Parish/town councils are except from the restraints on district and county councils which has meant that these latter councils have had to cut services and increase direct charges rather than increase council tax. 5.5%! Have they no shame?

Anonymous said...

When will the shop units close and how long for?

Anonymous said...

IF i am not mistaken The rise on the band b property is ony £3.43 from £62.38 34pence per month over 10 monthy payments. i dont think that will break the bank it is just a shock at the percentage figure

Ian said...

. . . which is why I said that "The actual sum of money is small but the principle remains the same – that public authorities should not be increasing taxation in this way".

Anonymous said...

£5312 a year is about £100 a week which doesn't sound enough to cover the loss of rental income from two shops and the loss of income from hiring out the Regal. Will the community centre also be closed? Or are these losses being funded by the grant?

@WR15 said...

The shops will be closed from June. I'm not sure how long for. The Town Clerk will have a better idea.

The income from the shops & the regal are offset by expenses but it is hoped that the Regal expenses will be less during the building work. The £5,000 is the net difference. The grant doesn't cover this loss.