Thursday 16 June 2011

Tenbury Advertiser can't add up

With an already long list of errors in its editorial, it seems that the Tenbury Advertiser is now having a problem with it's maths.

Last week it didn't check its figures and ended up claiming the Tenbury Fire & Rescue Station Commander had started as a retained Fireman aged 3.

This week it features a country home on it front page leader for £2M, by page three this has increased to £5M.  That sure is a huge rate of inflation.

I wonder who, if anyone now proof reads the paper, or perhaps as some have claimed it's typeset in a country where English isn't their first language.

Still it does mean that the old saying "you can't believe everything you read in the paper" is still true.


Bumblebee said...


This would sort of have a bearing on the validity of anything that the paper now claims/publishes surely?

We're all going to be wondering 'have they done their homework properly' now..

Anonymous said...

i think the owner of this blog should look at his own work rather than criticize others

@WR15 said...

I'm always happy to correct any error brought to my attention.

Anonymous said...


The Tenbury Advertiser is doubtless also prepared to do the same - but they cannot un-print what is already on the street

@WR15 said...

Which is perhaps why they should spend a little more care proof reading and checking facts!